Destination ... London, England, August 2012, Page 4 of 4

Birling Gap, East Sussex

The starfish at Birling Gap were my first starfishes that I'd ever seen. To pick up a starfish, you pull up one of its legs and flip your hand underneath and bring it up. It feels like a big squishy star with little suckers coming out. You can find starfish in the rock pools. One was so sticky that I had to carry it on a rock, 'cause it was trying to eat my hand. Nate

Nate with a starfish at Birling Gap

At the end of the day, as the tide was coming in, Ava and I played a game where we couldn't touch the water. We jumped rock to rock, trying not to get wet. Then, as the noticed the tide, the game changed a bit. It was a lot harder since most of the rocks were submerged and there were only a few left. Ava and Nate were keen to keep on playing the game, but the water felt nice on my feet and I decided to adventure on some lower rocks. Anna

Ava and Anna on the rocks at Birling Gap

Arundel Castle

I figured visiting a 'real' castle would be a great treat for the kids who can use it as fodder for hours of make-believe play. I initially had in mind going to Leeds Castle, as it is one of the premier castle experiences in England. But Louise suggested the closer Arundale Castle. Never having heard of it, I didn't have huge expectations, but it was even better than I could have imagined. It had the age, the scope and the ambiance one would imagine a fairly tale castle would. We were particularly lucky to be there on a day of a large fair of reproductionists and learned a lot about many of the ways of life and war in medieval times. The icing on the cake was learning that it is still a 'living' castle with the Duke of Norfolk and his family living there as their primary residence. Morrie

Ava, Alex, Anna and Nate at Arundel Castle

I love the archers more than medieval knights. I saw them doing a battle where the archers were shooting their bows and arrows at the knights. I liked it so much that me and Anna were medieval archers for Halloween. Nate

Nate and Bea pretend archers at Arundel Castle

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